Decent Labs

## 2022-05-11 - Day 799
Using the newly discovered PIC0 technology we've managed
to suspend machines in hyperspace, albeit initial specimen
were short-lived we predict that further iterations will
increase their TTL and the highly emergent behavior
should become somewhat deterministic.

 Decentralized                    Hyper Lattice
    Kernel                   _________________________
   _______                  |                         |
  |       |                 |  |   |          |   |   |
  | ~(o)~ |  == deploy ==>  |  |   |         (o)  /   |
  |_______|                 |   \ /           |  /    |
                            |    Y            | /     |
                            |    | .---------(o)      |
                            |   (o)           |       |

                                  Scale 0.47E-3nm
## 2020-03-22 - Day 325

We've analyzed the evolution of the internet from 1994 to present,
the data is indicating an critical uprise in impartial
autonomous machines by the end of year 2026.
The amount of interconnected peers forming a sustainable network is
predicted to surpass 9000|

 70k |                   /
 37k |        __________/
  9k |       /
1.7k |  ____/
 500 | /
   0 |/___________________
 1984 | 2003 | 2019 | 2026

We're low on Time! Please donate some!
    About us: We are an independent consultancy agency.
    And we're kinda nerdy about building a new internet.
If you'd like to know more, say hi:

    All wrongs reversed © 2022 - Decent Labs AB